Little Millet (Samai) is rich in phyto-chemicals and it has excellent antioxidant properties, Its Dietary fiber protects against hyperglycemia, It reduces cholesterol and helps in digestion, Has nearly 2.5 times minerals and nearly 38 times fiber and nearly 13 times Iron than Rice.
Little Millet (Samai)
Little Millet (Samai) is rich in phyto-chemicals and it has excellent antioxidant properties, Its Dietary fiber protects against hyperglycemia.
Samai helps to reduces cholesterol.
Little millet (samai) helps in good digestion.
Benefit of Little millet (samai) Has nearly 2.5 times minerals and nearly 38 times fiber and nearly 13 times Iron than Rice.
Presence of Flavunoids in little millets improve the Immune System.
Little millet(Samai) rich in Protein.
Samai (Little Millet) helps to maintain the Blood Sugar Level.
Benefits of Little millet is prevent from heart attacks.
Samai millet helps to Reduce the Risk of Developing Cataract.
How to Take Little Millet (Samai)
Recipes in Samai (little millet) like kanji,
millet muruku,
Little Millet (Samai) Available in
Thanjai Organics( A Farmer Shop cultivating Millet’s from their Own Farm) offering Organic Traditional Little Millet (samai) in Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Thanjai Organics Little Millets (samai) available in USA (Shipping To -USA, Canada, Australia,Singapore, UAE and Other Countries.)